Monday 7 June 2010

May resolution

I was so stress the other night that I turned on the WiiFit to have some yoga practices at 2am.

Yayy! It healed my backache..
Dang! It gave me too much relaxation, and this cheelax state lasted for 3 days and I ended up zero productivity for my final, which is tomorrow for my first paper.

Since I first created my own profile on WiiFit, it says, a need to gain 3KGs to get a normal weight, which means I am 3KGs underweight!

And since i have always wanted to gain weight so badly, and finally!! I have put on 1KG weight (just checked from WiiFit, should be 99.9999% accurate)!

But Iris says, all the 1KG has put on my cheek! =.=